Saturday, May 2, 2015

Where I'm going Art Show Opening

On May 1st I attended my very first Art Show Opening Reception! Last night from 7-9 p.m they held an opening reception for the newest Art Display at the Osoyoos Art Gallery
This new Art show is the official Art Gallery Debut for Karsten Coty Scholl who is a local young artist. His display is called "Where I'm going" and features a collection of painted Portraits a vast majority of them are Characters or Actors from different movies. 

For instance my favorite piece was his Queen Amidala Print mostly because she is my favorite Star Wars character! I'm in love with her entire look from her clothes to her toes and her gorgeous make-up that was showcased through out the prequel trilogy. 

 It was so much fun attending an opening Art reception and even more so since this was a Local Showing. I spent most of my time there speaking to  several people I had known from around town. I was also lucky enough to meet the artist as well. He is crazy talented and I highly recommend you go and see the show if you are able. Fun fact: he is not actually formally trained as a painter. I was pretty sure he was but he's just super talented. I was admiring his facial work the most, he's got an incredible eye for faces. I told him I figured he would probably make a decent body painter or perhaps a makeup artist because he has such a fine eye for detail and symmetry. Those tend to be skills that help quite a bit in any kind of Make up field.  I know you can't really see that well 
but this picture is of the artist and I and we are literally standing in front of my favorite photo! 

Anyway I cannot recommend enough for people to go see his show. He's a few years younger than I am and he is talented enough to get a showcase without having really been trained. 
Art is something I quite enjoy and I really love going to Art Galleries and just museum's in general. I really enjoy viewing other people's perspectives on life, the universe and everything in between. Art galleries and Museums are similar in the aspect of that it allows you to view the world from the perspective from someone else.
Locally I've Been to an Art show and display once per month and I've enjoyed each different one! Every piece of art is so interesting to view because it can be interpreted in a way that is unique to everyone.
I just want to mention something really quickly. Always be very careful as well as respective when it comes to taking photographs in Art Galleries (and just in general.) That is why I have been taking mirror selfies at the art gallery so that the art itself is not in total focus. Actually taking a mirror shot like that has kind of become my new thing to do whenever I go to the Art gallery. This one is really interesting because I zoomed in on the mirror so you are actually seeing the mirror against the wall [I didn't edit it like that] I did however manipulate the picture a bit to blur out one his his focal paintings in the background. I have another picture I took of myself & Someone else I knew tonight but I will have to edit that one too because it too features a pretty prominent painting. 

 Some people have really strict personal feelings towards taking photos of their art. So always make sure that you have the permission from the Gallery and or Artist before snapping a photo. Or do it like me and take unfocused photos of yourself viewing the art.

If you get the chance everyone should really go and see Karsten's show. It will be on Display from May 2nd to the 23rd and the Osoyoos Art Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday from 12 p.m to 4 p.m. 

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